Opening securities accounts and accounts for settlement of stock transactions. (一)证券帐户、结算帐户的设立;
Section 28 ( 3) provides that any excess in the value of opening stock over closing stock is an allowable deduction. 第三款规定,原料在季节开始比结束时超出的价值为允许扣减项。
Buy fund, can go to a bank opening account of a fund first, stock money, specific buy that kind of fund the staff member that you can consult a bank. 买基金,可以先去银行开一个基金账户,将钱存入,具体买那一种基金你可以咨询一下银行的工作人员。
In addition, margin financing gate opening, the new stock market investors will be temporarily unable to share. 此外,保证金融资开闸,新的股市投资者将暂时无法分享。
The opening price of this stock today is only 6 yuan. 这只股票今天的开盘价是六元整。
Opening stock is the amount of stock at the beginning of an accounting period. 期初存货是指某一会计期间初始的存货数量。
He presided over the opening of a new Beijing Office of the London Stock Exchange. 他为伦敦证交所(londonstockexchange)新成立的北京办事处主持了开幕式。
In recent weeks, the Chinese have been opening about 3 00000 new stock trading accounts every day, taking the total number of accounts to more than 80m. 最近几周,中国每天新开立的股票投资账户约有30万个,账户总数量超过8000万个。
Chinese have been opening new stock trading accounts at the rate of about 1m a week since the start of the year. 今年初以来,中国内地股票交易账户一直在以每周100万户的速度增长。
As carrying forward the opening precess of Chinese stock market, foreign capital enterprise financing in A share market will also be an inevitable result. 随着中国证券市场开放进程的推进,外资企业在A股市场直接上市也是必然结果。
Having been fluctuating for a long time, the opening price of this stock is way up now. 经过长时间的徘徊之后,这家股票的开盘价现在迅速攀升。
It may look like an old-fashioned stock exchange, complete with trading floor and opening bell, but the company behind the New York Stock Exchange is increasingly about derivatives. 或许纽约证券交易所(nyse)看上去像是一家老式的交易所,包括它的交易大厅和开盘钟声,但其背后的那家公司,却越来越专注于衍生品。
Market Opening and Stock Market Behavior: Empirical Analysis of Chinese B-Share Market 市场开放和股票市场行为&B股市场实证研究
The Effect of China Capital-account Opening on the Stock Market 论资本帐户开放对中国证券市场的影响
It is a new attempt at researching the information opening system that this paper analyzes the theory of economics and the meaning of law of the information opening system of stock law. 本文对证券法信息公开制度的经济学理论及其法学意义的分析,是研究信息公开法律制度的新尝试。
But there exits a series of obstacles in its process of internationalization, such as low degree of market opening, non-standard stock market, and lagging surveillance. 中国股市国际化存在一系列障碍:股市开放程度低、股票市场不规范和微观基础薄弱、股市不统一以及监管落后等。
Analyze The Information Opening System Of Stock Law Based On The Theory Of Economics 证券法信息公开制度的经济学理论分析
Finally, we discuss the necessity of opening stock index option trade in Chinese current stock market. 最后,探讨了在中国当前市场条件下,开放股指期权交易的必要性。
The Futures for stock market index have many functions such as price-finding, hedging and the increasing of market liquidity. Opening Futures for stock market index will be helpful to change the issue methods of the securities, develop institution investment and perfect the security market mechanism. 股票指数期货具有价格发现、套期保值和增加市场流动性等功能,股指期货的开设有助于促进股票发行方式的转变,培育和发展机构投资者以及完善与健全证券市场机制与功能。
Study in the Opening Tactics of the Stock Industry of China 中国证券业的开放策略研究
The opening of a nation's stock market should adjust to the development of national economy, to the opening level, to the perfection of its supervising systems, to the foreign exchange control, and adjust to its development. 一国证券市场的开放应与其国民经济发展与开放水平、监管体制的完善程度、外汇管制的放松程度以及证券市场自身的发达程度相适应。
China joining WTO does not mean opening stock markets immediately, but it has a widespread and profound influence on out stock markets. 中国加入WTO虽然并不意味着立即全面开放证券市场,但是对我国证券业的影响无疑是广泛而深远的。
A Study on the Opening Risk and Its Protection System of Emerging Stock Markets 新兴证券市场开放风险及其防范制度研究
By the comparison between the nations 'opening of stock market, we can see that the opening tactics and supervising systems of different stock market is different, due to different conditions of countries, different backgrounds of open policies, and different risks of opening. 通过证券市场开放的国际比较可以看出,由于各国国情、开放背景以及开放风险等方面的不同,其证券市场的开放策略和监管体制也有所不同。
Supply chain management is the key in opening market, reducing the stock, perfecting purchasing of raw and parts materials, and is also indispensable in improving the level of last product sale. 供应链管理是打开市场、降低库存、完善原材料和零部件采购以及提高最终产品销售的关键。
Since 1990 the opening of first stock exchange to now the GEM opening, China securities market has gone through nearly 20 years. 自1990年我国第一家证券交易所的开市到如今创业板的开启,我国证券市场已经走过近20个春秋。
Since reform and opening up, Chinese stock market has developed rapidly, playing an increasingly important role in Chinese economics. 改革开放以来,我国的股票市场已经得到了迅速发展,在我国经济发展中起到越来越重要的作用。
From the running of mature foreign stock index futures market, the opening of futures market can produce an effect on the stock market in many aspects such as price and money flow. 从国外成熟股指期货市场的运行情况来看,期货市场的开设可以在价格和资金流向等多个方面影响股票市场。
At the same time, the financial markets of China have been developing and growing since the reform and opening up. China now has stock market, futures market, bond market, as well as a variety of other types of financial transactions markets. 同时,中国资本市场自改革开放以来逐步发展壮大,目前已经有股票市场,期货市场,国债市场以及其它类型的各种金融交易市场。